A Flow Propagation Method For Detection of Local Community
Saad Q Albawi, Hadeel T Ibrahim, Tareq Mohamed
About The Publication
This paper is using an algorithm (Flow-Pro) for finding the node community in a complex network without need to know the information of the whole graph. In general, the researchers supposed their network based on undirected graph and the edge weight for each two connected, neighbour nodes are equal to 1, otherwise it will be 0. In the first step, the function implemented to give community, according to the stored flow. Synthetic data were used with 20,000 nodes. Also, 20 communities had been used. In this paper, edges weights N x N for network used, where N denotes the number of nodes. The total number of messages that produced from the flow algorithm for 1000 nodes was calculated (299392), where for 20000 nodes in our result was (45,582,924) messages.